Now I'll say at the outset that I don't think Henry hates gays. In fact, I think he has made a sterling effort for someone of his generation to publicly "rethink" his previous unreconstructed attitudes and deserves full credit for that. But it's pretty obvious that when faced with a kook like Geiger he is absolutely out of his depth.
I don't think it needs any more commentary than that. Enjoy.
Michael said Tuesday, 24 March 2009 at 2:23 pm
[…] Minor PS to Snout: YOU are a traitor to our gay community.
Henry Bauer said Tuesday, 24 March 2009 at 3:12 pm
Re your “minor PS”: Do you know who Snout is, to know that he is gay? I only know that his e-mails come from Australia.
Michael said Tuesday, 24 March 2009 at 3:41 pm
As regards Snout, he has admitted on other blogsites that he is gay. I do not know him personally, only that he has stated that he too is a gay man.
I myself truly consider gays such as Snout, whoever he is, who have been thoroughly exposed to all of the discrepancies in HIV/AIDS theory and to the disaster of AZT, to be very much like a Jew who survived extermination by the Nazis by volunteering as a guard at Auschwitz, telling his fellow Jewish brethren to go on in and get a nice shower while all the time knowing he was leading them to their deaths by gassing and chemical extermination.
Though I am also aware that he is likely a true believer in an HIV threat and that his zealousness is likely driven by a moral crusade that is likely founded in both his paranoia of AIDS and a deep internalized self-loathing for being gay that would create a lack of compassionate understanding of the self-destructiveness inherent in so many self-loathing gay men. I also find that many gays seem to have a need for the boogeyman of HIV to be real, in their own efforts to keep themselves from acting out sexual addiction that they may also often be prone to. When one does not feel good about themselves, which, due to internalized homophobia, so many gay men are prone to, they often seek relief from the uncomfortable emotional pain of self-loathing internal shame via drug, alcohol, or sex addiction, which unfortunately leads them back to even greater internal shame and guilt. The threat of impending death by HIV/AIDS is oftentimes the only tool that many of these do-gooder gay men have at their disposal and they often use it to hold themselves back from such intense sexual desires and internal sexual addictions.
A 12-step recovery program would be far more useful and helpful, but few will take such a route because it is a serious commitment and they often loathe the spiritual aspects that the 12-step programs are based upon.
So, I do understand, but nonetheless, a spade is a spade, and should be called such. Such behavior as hiding behind the false HIV/AIDS theory to keep from addressing one’s internal propensities for sexual addiction is overall very destructive, and certainly is not beneficial to anyone either. And all who do so, just as a spade is a spade, are traitors not only to themselves, but are traitors to their community, and traitors to all of mankind at large.
Henry Bauer said Tuesday, 24 March 2009 at 3:54 pm
Michael:Thanks for the answer re Snout; though I confess to not feeling able to accept as necessarily true what he says about himself. It’s awfully difficult not to judge people by their actions, in fact I suppose there’s no other way; yet the sort of intense emotions you describe could surely lead to “they know not what they do”… Cognitive dissonance keeps them from understanding the evidence, so they continue in their holy crusade.Sad and tragic as well as harmful.
Michael said Tuesday, 24 March 2009 at 4:00 pm
Henry, you are quite correct. It truly is “Sad and tragic as well as harmful”. And I believe it to be all the more reason to point it out directly to Snout, as one cannot begin to address what they themselves are not even aware of.
According to Michael Geiger I'm also a megalomaniac, fascist, drug addicted, alcoholic closet gay homophobe.
I'm sure when you learn to write substantive posts free of ad-hominems then you will be able to post at Bauer's blog like Geiger.
Michael Geiger needs a job.
The last job he seems to have had was Celia Farber and Peter Dueschberg's driver in DC. That did not go so well. Can someone please help him?
Hi Snout. I actually got half-way through writing an email to you yesterday asking whether you had read Geigner's astonishing rantings over at Bauer's site. Then I thought "well, of course he has, stupid" and deleted it. Applying my own brand of pop-psychology, I think we can assume that Geigner is, to use the proper medical term, 'batshit crazy'. Great entertainment though!
Per Geiger: "The threat of impending death by HIV/AIDS is oftentimes the only tool that many of these do-gooder gay men have at their disposal and they often use it to hold themselves back from such intense sexual desires and internal sexual addictions."
UHM, you can't have it both ways, Geiger. Either we, including myself, are HIV+ BECAUSE we indulge in aberrant sexual habits and/or drugs, or we are HIV= due to our fear of said behaviors in which we can not control ourselves from indulging. Which is it?
Also, I have to give credit to Geiger, his comment is very well articulated, seeing as he is obviously typing with one hand while touching himself inappropriately with the other!
I really have to say something more about the repugnance of Michael Geiger. He is quite the "judge" of others. A few months ago I had the misfortune of being "preached" to by Geiger over at my own blog where Geiger proceeded to tell me that a my best friend and most favorite person in the world basically killed himself due to his self loathing and hate blah, blah, blah. I had never before met Michael Geiger, nor had I ever heard of him. Yet there he was, telling me what a rotten piece of human flesh my friend was and how he brought the entire disease upon himself. All I can say about Geiger is that for anyone who needs to preach to those whom they do not know and profess to be superior than, are the ones who are truly self loathing hypocrites.
I can only say that I would love nothing more than to meet Michael Geiger. Take that as you will.
JT, That is quite an imagination you have. Please quote where it is that I ever said your friend was a rotten piece of human flesh, and also please quote where I professed to be better than anyone.
Until you find or prove this quote, you are indeed, as usual, a compulsive liar.
"Yet there he was, telling me what a rotten piece of human flesh my friend was and how he brought the entire disease upon himself".
Anonymous, a.k.a. Michael Geiger??
At first I was going to be an a-hole and use a denialist tactic and NOT verify what I said. Like many of you denialists, I thought, "hey, I've already thrown that out there and done some possible damage to his reputation, whether I am remembering that exchange accurately or emotionally!"
HOWEVER, being an actual decent human being, I decided to prove your arrogant, sanctimonious, I-am-better-than-you attitude. Unfortunately, I have deleted your extremely hurtful comments. But I did not permananently delete them, so if Snout or someone else can tell me how to retrieve them, I will happily show your words and insinuations to you.
However, I believe any semi-intelligent person can see thru your pious, sanctimoniuous insecurities just by reading what you wrote about Snout. You admit that you have never met nor even spoken on the phone with Snout. Nor have you ever communicated in any direct way with Snout. Yet you profess to know that Snout is "paranoia of AIDS and a deep internalized self-loathing for being gay that would create a lack of compassionate understanding of the self-destructiveness inherent in so many self-loathing gay men." You say Snout is paranoid and self loathing and WHY he is such!! God, you are arrogant. I am not guessing, I am allowing you to speak for your self. Let's hear some more of the arrogant, sanctimonious hypocrite: "I also find that many gays seem to have a need for the boogeyman of HIV to be real, in their own efforts to keep themselves from acting out sexual addiction that they may also often be prone to. When one does not feel good about themselves, which, due to internalized homophobia, so many gay men are prone to, they often seek relief from the uncomfortable emotional pain of self-loathing internal shame via drug, alcohol, or sex addiction, which unfortunately leads them back to even greater internal shame and guilt. The threat of impending death by HIV/AIDS is oftentimes the only tool that many of these do-gooder gay men have at their disposal and they often use it to hold themselves back from such intense sexual desires and internal sexual addictions."
Snout, I'm sorry to basically re-state your entire post, but Geiger needs to see how others view him. And not from a half-baked, arm-chair psychiatry, but via his very own words. Oh, and one more instance of how arrogant, pompoous and insecure Geiger is. I have seen him throw out his (supposed) high IQ on more than one thread to prove himself. On each occasion, the other posters ripped him for that. Hey Geiger, why don't you just post your Mensa status!!??
I rest my case.
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